- This presentation is for patients only, not for professionals.
- So, some definitions are simplified accordingly.
What is Genetic Hair Loss (=Andro Genetic Alopecia;AGA)-1
- A form of hair loss that could not be predicted to whom it may effect in a family. (but some genetic screening tests could ) It could be defined as a genetic lottery
- Thought to be transmitted by genes,
- Dihidrotestosteron Hormone (DHT) is responsible for AGA
- DHT binds to it’s receptor in a hair follicle and blocks all kind of nutrients to enter in the cell that is essential for hair survive
- Hair follicle surrounded by DHT gradually weakens and miniaturizes
DHT Hormone & AGA
What is Andro Genetic Alopecia (AGA)-2
Is Genetic Hair Loss (Andro Genetic Alopecia) Progressive
- Depends on genetic tendency but mostly progressive;
- It might last up to age 45-50 but generally more active during 20-40s
- After age 40 we don’t expect active hair fall comparing age 20-30’s
- So, to ask for medical help before you completely loose your hair is utmost importance
Norwood Classification
The Course of Genetic Hair Loss (AGA)-1
What is Hair Transplantation?
Hair Transplantation is to remove the genetically resistant hair units (follicular units= grafts) from the back side of the head, called donor area under local anesthesia and place in to the desired region of the recipient area on the head
What is GRAFT?
- Hairs emerging from scalp in general called as GRAFT.
- Some hairs emerge as a ‘Single’ hair strand, some as ‘Double’ or some as ‘Triple’ or more hair strands.
- So, regardless the hair strand count, each group called as ‘GRAFT’.
Magnified View of Different Follicular Units =(Grafts) Emerging From Scalp
Follicular Units = (GRAFTS)
Where All These Genetically Resistant Follicular Units Are Taken From
- From the back side of the head called “DONOR AREA”
Where is The Donor Area?
Follicular Unit Extraction
- Follicular Unit Extraction is:
- To remove the follicular units =(GRAFTS) one by one from the donor area by means of special instruments and punches around 0.7-0.9 mm diameter.
- We choose punch size accordingly each individual’s GRAFT diameter.
- Graft diameter varies accordingly hair thickness
- There is no need to suture; this technique is known as suturless or stitchless process.
Illustration of Follicular Unit Extraction
NOTE: Blue line indicates the donor area border and the red dots represents the extracted area; the red arrows show the direction which will the follicular units be extracted.
Will the transplanted hairs & hair line look natural?
- As your recipient sites, including your hair line will be created accordingly to the direction and slope of your original hair growth, result will look natural.
When shall I be able to resume my daily routine?
- Ideally you need 7-10 days to stay indoors after the procedure. The main idea to stay indoors is to protect both the recipient and donor areas from any kind of infection. But if your busy schedule does not allow you to do so, it is also acceptable at least to stay 3 days indoors. In that case please ask your Dr’s advice regarding the details of post-operative care
What shall I expect for post operative ?
- There will be some scabs both on the donor and the recipient areas which might be visible during 7-10 days post-operatively but don’t worry we will be inviting you to the clinic to clean these scabs.
- There might be some degree of swelling on your face which will subside within 5-7 days.
- There might be pinkness/redness, pimples, numbness on the donor, recipient areas which is very normal and will heal soon.
- All the transplanted hairs will fall within 2 months after the procedure
- Do not expect any result before the completion of 4 full months after the procedure
- You will be able to see the average result as of 5-6 months
- Full result will be seen around 18-24 months after the procedure.
How many sessions will I need?
- There will be some scabs both on the donor and the recipient areas which might be visible during 7-10 days post-operatively but don’t worry we will be inviting you to the clinic to clean these scabs.
- For the first 3 types of
hair loss you will need one session.
- For the types 4,5,6,7 you will need 2 sessions and more.
Can I have a hair transplant in between the previously transplanted areas?
- Yes, in order to increase the overall density of the previous transplantation you may desire to have additional sessions.
What is the right time to have the 2 nd session of hair transplantation?
- As soon as your donor area heals, you can have a 2 nd session.
- As it depends, the average time is 3 months after the 1 st procedure.
How many grafts do I need?
- No one can predict how many grafts will satisfy you.
- Your surgeon will definitely take care of your concerns and will guide you and demonstrate before & after photos of previous cases to decide the graft counts accordingly.
What does original hair density and expected hair density really mean?
- One of the important concepts in hair transplant surgery is the “original hair density”
- So you may ask whether the result will look as full as the original density? Simply no and there is no way to do it.
- Original hair density is 80-120 grafts per cm sq.
- Expected density varies accordingly the size of the recipient area and the graft count.
- Lesser the recipient area size fuller the density and vice versa.
- In order to have a fuller density, hair transplant surgeons tend to transplant on the possible smallest area,
- So, please allow your surgeon to decide the size of your recipient site. Simply he knows better than you.
Hair Transplant Surgery
Hair Loss Treatments
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Dr. Cagatay Sezgin
Burj Al Salam building 32nd floor Sheikh Zayed Rd, Dubai /UAE
+905326879626 Tue. – Sat. 10.00-17.00